
Posts Tagged ‘flowers’

 In fact, looking forward to taking a shower and getting out of the house. There is the requisite grocery shopping of course (kids insist on eating whereas I could live on coffee, toast and the occasional sandwich) but I want to go to the garden store and buy some bedding plants too. Flowers make me happy so I’ll indulge myself and beautify the world in one swoop. I love multi-tasking.

I still haven’t cleaned out the pond and I don’t think I’ll do it this weekend either. (poor fish) We have enough bacteria and viruses around here already thank you, I don’t need to stand in a pool of them.

Kids are still coughing and D4 has a runny nose but they are definitely on the road to recovery. I expect there will be some resistance on Monday (there always is), but they are all going to school.

The silver lining of being sick is that I’ve had lots of time to sit in front of the computer and work. My mom and sister came during the week to watch the kids so I could rest (and I did) but I also did a lot of editing. Unless I’m really sick, it’s hard for me to sit in bed and do nothing so I compromise and lay in bed and work, or read. I also watched a few of the many movies I’ve been given. Just in case you’re interested, Joe Dirt wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be and I liked The Virgin Suicides but Better Than Chocolate… the editor in me kept throwing up weak plot red flags.

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

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